Implaser receives the RSA seal for its good business practices

Members news
29 Jul 2024

The seal recognizes commitment to social responsibility and good business practices

It distinguishes companies and entities that have implemented or are in the process of adopting social responsibility measures and demonstrate a commitment to maintaining them. Sustainable and socially responsible practices transform the image of businesses and their impact on the community and the environment. At Implaser, we have received the RSA seal, which endorses our commitment to:

  • Responsibility: We can be accountable for our business decisions or activities and their impacts on society or the environment before legal authorities and stakeholders.
  • Transparency: We communicate decisions and activities that affect society, the economy, or the environment. We aim to do so clearly, accurately, promptly, honestly, and comprehensively.
  • Ethics: We promote behaviors that align with accepted principles of law and good conduct in a given context, according to national or international standards and norms.
  • Respect and knowledge of stakeholders, individuals or groups with an interest in any decision or activity of the organization.
  • Compliance with the law and human rights, serving as a reference in respecting and promoting them.

The award ceremony will take place in December at the RSA gala organized by the Government of Aragón, where the social responsibility efforts of various entities and organizations will be recognized.

Customer and employee loyalty, the promotion of new business avenues, cost reduction, corporate image enhancement, regulatory compliance... These are just some of the benefits of obtaining the RSA seal:

Benefits of Obtaining the RSA Seal

1. Improvement of Corporate Image

The seal ensures that a company engages in ethical and responsible practices. This recognition can elevate a brand's reputation, making it more attractive to consumers. In today's market, consumers increasingly value sustainability and social responsibility, and are more aware of the environmental and social impacts of their purchases.

2. Customer Loyalty

Customers tend to be more loyal to companies that demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental responsibility. With the RSA seal, companies send a clear message that their concerns go beyond generating revenue. Customers are more likely to support a company that shares their values.

3. Employee Relations

A work environment that values social responsibility attracts not only customers but also talent. Employees increase their sense of belonging in a company aligned with their values. This pride leads to increased motivation and thus higher productivity. Additionally, it reduces turnover rates and fosters a committed and positive corporate culture.

4. New Business Opportunities

More institutions and organizations are prioritizing working with suppliers and partners who demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Having the RSA seal can be a decisive factor in being selected for contracts and collaborations.

5. Cost Reduction

Although implementing social responsibility measures initially involves an investment, in the long term, it leads to greater efficiency and a reduction in operational costs. Using renewable energy or reducing waste can generate significant savings, and the RSA seal can help implement efficiency opportunities.

6. Regulatory and Legislative Compliance

The RSA seal guarantees that companies are up-to-date with current environmental and social regulations and comply with them. This protects companies from risks, reputational damage, or legal issues, and provides peace of mind to partners, suppliers, collaborators, and customers.

Measures Leading to the RSA Seal

At Implaser, we have already implemented various measures that have led us to achieve the RSA seal. Among them, the most notable include:

  • Development of a comprehensive market study and risk and opportunity analysis using a SWOT Matrix: This ensures that our objectives are aligned with stakeholder interests and allows us to adapt to market changes.
  • Precise Identification of Relevant Stakeholders: We conduct specific management for each identified stakeholder group.
  • Holistic approach to measuring and monitoring key sustainability indicators: We focus on social, environmental, and economic aspects.
  • Established compliance system since 2018: this indicates Implaser’s strong commitment to ethics and social responsibility.
  • Various Certifications: Notable among them is the AENOR Ns Sostenible mark for photoluminescent safety signage and marking, and ISO 166002 certification for R&D management (we were the first SME to obtain it).
  • Employee care projects: These include psychosocial risk assessments, recognizing the importance of mental and emotional health in the workplace, and the “0 Accidents” program, which aims to identify and address workplace hazards.
  • Commitment to Sustainability: Regular evaluations of our carbon footprint impact, commitment to recycling, waste reduction, and resource reuse. Recycling PVC (our primary raw material) demonstrates a deep understanding of the importance of conserving limited resources and minimizing environmental impact.

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